Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cool tools available online

This is the space I have reserved for all the cool online applications present on the internet:

1. Distributing code:

While browsing the internet you sometime fine cool stuff or couple of lines or some text or paragraph which you want to pass on to someone. But, copy pasting that code/links is a bing pain. This is where this online website, PASTE BIN, comes handy. When you create a new paste on this website it creates a link which is easy to distribute.

Paste Bin

2. Distributing pics:

There are sometimes when you want to send which can be distributed publically (remember something on internet is available everyone), then mailing the pic as attachment is not everytime feasible. One option is to upload it on picasa. But, what if you have exhausted all your online space. For distributing an image or two, IMGUR comes handy and instead of mailing the whole pic, you upload the pic on their website and rather mail the link to that attached image file.


3. Online compiling of code:

Ideone is something more than a pastebin; it's an online compiler and debugging tool which allows to compile and run code online in more than 40 programming languages. This really comes handy as you don't have to download and install a compiler for running some specific code.