Sunday, January 13, 2013

How to go from Noida to Delhi airport Terminal 3 or Terminal 1D

I myself have searched many times ways to board a flight from Terminal 3 or Terminal 1D while travelling from Noida. But there was never enough information so I thought I would write down my experience for futute traveller.

While the easiest way to call a cab. There are multiple cab services which provided door pickup/drop services in ~10-15 Rs/hr. is one good small website where you enter the starting and ending destination and it gives you list of cabs services available in and around the location.

Though the website says you can make the journey to the airport under 400 bucks. But, I really doubt that estimate as I have seen cab services charge more than close to 700!

If you are travelling alone and plan to save some cash then you can venture other means of transport.

How to go from Delhi airport Terminal 3 ?

The fastest way to go from Noida to Delhi Terminal airport is to board a metro from Noida to New Delhi Railway station. You can see DMRC operation map here or use their interactive planning service to plan your trip!

Then you can board the 'Delhi Airport Express' which drops you at Terminal 3.

Because the 'Airport Link' has been on and off recently. I am adding alternative means to go from New Delhi Airport

To Terminal 1D?

Get out from the Exit 2 out New Delhi Railway station which opens in Auto Taxi stop. The distance from here to terminal 1D is ~16 kms. Depending on your negotiation skills you can pick up an Auto in ~120-180 Rs. 

Don't let the taxi drivers fool you that taking auto to the airport is not convenient  The Auto drops you at the ground floor of Terminal 1D and then you can take the elevator to the airport access doors!

To Terminal 3?

Get out from the Exit 2 out New Delhi Railway station which opens in Auto Taxi stop. Going to Terminal 3 is kinda tricky as compared to Terminal 1D as the autos are not allowed to enter the airport terminal. Don't let auto drivers fool you by telling that terminal 3 is far as compared to domestic. They are almost equi-distant from the railways station. Infact they are just next to each other, its just that you have to take a longer route to commute between the two.

Now you have to 2 options: Taking taxis to the airport terminal which will cost you some ~50-100 bucks extra or, Taking auto to the terminal which drops you at the auto stand at the airport terminal, which is some 1km from the terminal, and from there you can board free bus service, which runs every 20mins, from auto/taxi stand to the airport terminals.

You have a safe flight home!


Unknown said...

Thanks alot! ur post really helped.

Unknown said...

Thanks alot! ur post really helped.